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Passion Fury: Our Story

Photo of Passion Fury founder and designer, Andrew Kelsall Passion Fury is an Apparel, Art and Digital Printables Store run by Andrew Kelsall BA (Hons), a creative Designer from England, UK. For the past 18 years, I have been offering my services online as a graphic designer via Andrew Kelsall Design.

Our Story

When I say "we", I am referring to the Passion Fury Online Store, myself and the fabulous people who print and ship my designs Worldwide!

Ever since Graduating University a long time ago, I wanted to design unique things in the form of Framed Wall Art or Tshirts, and share them with the World. In the beginning, the internet wasn't like it is today, so I spent most of my time designing for clients, rather than creating my own work.

Over the years, I spent my time designing CD Sleeves and Posters for Bands, logos for small and large companies, as well as Illustrative work for large Blue-Chip Corporations (such as Next, Plc & Ultra Electronics).

Now that I am able to run a wonderful, safe and secure online store (run by the Shopify Platform), I am able to realise my dreams and offer my unique designs to the World...

Short Bio:

I am a Christian, family-man with a wife, 2 kids and an English Springer Spaniel named Dash! I'm a Creative Designer, problem-solver and Mac-user. I like to watch Sci-fi and documentaries, as well as keeping an eye on current affairs and World News.

Please browse the Passion Fury store and get in touch should you have any questions.

How are Passion Fury Tees Made? How do they fit?

Check out our videos which show how our Tees fit, and how they are Printed and Packaged, too!


This site, is run by Andrew Kelsall of Andrew Kelsall Design - a Sole Proprietorship in England, UK.

The Business Address is: Andrew Kelsall Design, 23 The Haverlands, Hemsworth, West Yorkshire, WF9 4DA, UNITED KINGDOM

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